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To start interacting with the Slack bot, mention its username, provide a command and its arguments as follows:

@dienstplan <command> [<options>]


Rotation, or rota - a named duty with a duties description and a list of user mentions in the order of their duty schedule.

Duty, or on-call person, or duty person - a user who is currently an on-call person, i.e. on duty.

Mention - a user tagged in Slack (username prepended with the @ character). Used interchargably with a word User or a phrase User mention.

Schedule - a scheduled event that has an executable (a text command as if it were sent by a user to the Slack bot) and a crontab string (scheduling in the crontab file format).


The commands work on the Slack channel basis, meaning that a rotation must be unique for a channel and cannot be global (available for all the channels) for a workspace.


Create a new rotation:

@dienstplan create <rotation name> <list of user mentions> <duties description>

A rotation must have a unique name within the current Slack channel.

Upon the rota creation, current duty is assigned to the first user in the given list.


Move the currenty duty to a next user:

@dienstplan rotate <rotation name>

Duty is rotated in a round-robin cyclic manner. E.g. for a newly created rota with the following user mentions:

user1, user2, user3

duty rotation is done in the following order:

user1 -> user2 -> user3 -> user1 -> user2 -> ...


Show a current duty along with its duties description:

@dienstplan who <rotation name>


Show a current duty:

@dienstplan shout <rotation name>

The command is an analogue to the who command but with the duties description omitted.


Assign a specific user for a duty:

@dienstplan assign <rotation name> <user mention>

Used to temporarily overcome the natural order of user mentions for the rota, e.g. when a current duty is on the sick leave or holidays.


Show details about a rota:

@dienstplan about <rotation name>


Delete a rotation:

@dienstplan delete <rotation name>


Update a rotation:

@dienstplan update <rotation name> <list of user mentions> <duties description>

Watch out! The command overwrites the existing rota so that the current duty will be assigned to the first user mention as if the rotation was created anew. Consider update command to be a a shortcut to a sequence of delete and create commands.


List all rotation names along with their dates of creation for the current channel:

@dienstplan list

Watch out! The list is limited to 500 rotations.


A meta-command to create, delete or list schedules.

@dienstplan schedule <subcommand> "<executable>" <crontab>


  • <subcommand> is one of: [create, delete, list, explain]
  • "<executalbe>" is a command for a bot to run on schedule
  • <crontab> is a crontab file line in vixie-cron format, e.g. 0 9 * * Mon-Fri


"<executable>" must be enclosed in the double quotation marks!


Create a new schedule in the channel:

@dienstplan schedule create "rotate my-rota" 0 7 * * Mon-Fri

Schedules are unique within a channel, i.e. there could be only a single rotate my-rota in my-channel, no matter what crontab is used for the schedule.


Delete a schedule in the channel:

@dienstplan schedule delete "rotate my-rota"


List all the schedules in the channel:

@dienstplan schedule list


Explain a given crontab in plain English, e.g.:

@dienstplan schedule explain 0 22 * */2 Mon-Fri


Crontab `0 22 * */2 Mon-Fri` means the executable will be run at minute 0, past hour 22, on every day of week from Monday through Friday, in every 2nd month


Show a help message for the bot:

@dienstplan help